Leave No Trace

Unlike mainstream festivals, LNT events do not provide facilities for garbage or recycling on the site. Each participant must assume responsibility for their environmental impact. Everything you brought to L’OsstidBurn must leave with you, including your waste. Be sure to dispose of it responsibly after the event.

When the event is over, it is imperative that you take the time to clean up the areas of:

  • your emptied spot
  • your camp
  • your art installation.

Whether your camp is 3 or 25 people, everyone has to ensure they left their space as they found it.

There must be no sign that we were there!

LNT Good Practices Guide (FR/EN)

As you’re planning your trip, it is absolutely necessary to read the following LNT good practices guide. It will answer most of your LNT questions. If you still have questions after reading it, please feel free to contact l’Osstidburn community on its Facebook page, or contact [email protected].


L’OsstidBurn folds carbon emissions into our LNT framework since 2023. Different awareness activities and emission reduction initiatives are being planned, including public transport from Montreal to the event (L’Osstidbus)